• Best Diet Tips For Women

    Breakfast – Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Fill up your breakfast meal with protein like 2-3 scrambled egg whites with a whole grain toast and a fruit of your choice or a bowl of fruit oats porridge with sprouts salad. Protein kickstarts your metabolism and keeps you feeling fuller for longer during the day.

    Mid-morning Snack – A fistful of dried fruit combined with nuts or seeds, provides protein and healthy fats to keep you satisfied till lunch. Combining the dried fruits with nuts helps in controlling the release of sugars in the body.
    You can also have Honey and Nuts to get weight loss.

    Lunch – Choose carb-rich foods that will supply energy and protein like a bowl of dal/chicken/fish curry with brown rice or roti and a veg salad. You could also include beans or chicken sandwich with plenty of veggies. Try Avoiding Salt.

    Snack– Having a snack will keep your energy levels up and you can choose from a variety of nourishing options like Apple cinnamon granola bar or Nature Valley’s granola bar or you can have a fistful of nuts and Juices.

    Dinner– The supper of the day should be a combination of protein and carbs. You can include oily fish which are rich in omega 3 fatty acids like mackerel, salmon which is beneficial for healthy hair and skin. Fill up your dinner bowl with a variety of colourful veggies. Chicken/fish/paneer with roti /chila/ quinoa preparations and soup or salad with veggies. Bone Soup is also a very good source of Protien.

    Bed time  – A glass of low-fat milk with a pinch of elaichi.

    Dinner Before 8.00PM | 4 LT WATER EVERYDAY
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