“Everyone shines, given the right lighting.” ~Susan Cain
A self-avowed introvert herself, Susan Cain is the author of the recently published book Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking. Cain says this quality is vastly misunderstood and undervalued. Bill Gates, Craig Newmark, and Mark Zuckerberg would agree: They’re introverts, too.
I prefer listening to talking, reading to socializing, and cozy chats to group settings. I like to think before I speak (softly). Until a few years ago, I was terrified of public speaking, and I am still amazed that such a giant fear is conquerable. During the last few years, I’ve given hundreds of talks, a fun fact that would have astonished my childhood—even my 40-year-old—self.
I live on the banks of the Hudson River in an 1822 captain’s cottage with my beloved husband, sons, and magnolia trees. My favorite activities are reading, writing, lounging around cafés, and traveling the world with my family. Lately, I’ve also been on a tennis kick.
A few times a year, I try to like cooking. I use a lot of old-fashioned expressions. I’m insatiably curious about human nature.To me, one of the best things in the world is that sublime moment when a writer, artist, or musician manages to express something you’ve always felt but never articulated, or at least never quite so beautifully.
I dream big and have audacious goals, and I see no contradiction between this and my quiet nature. You can read about some of these goals here and read about why and how I co-founded Quiet Revolution here
The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking | Susan Cain | Quiet
June 17, 2017