• CrossFit – Workout of the Day @commonstrong.com

    CrossFit –  Workout of the Day

    CrossFit Total
    1RM Squat
    1RM Press
    1RM Deadlift

    Structural Strength – Workout of the Day

    The aim of this cycle is to fix common strength and mobility imbalances found in the hip and lower limbs that impede your athletic performance and put you at increased risk of injury.


    5 rounds:
    12 DL 100/60kg
    20 Pull Ups
    12 C&J 60/40kg
    20 Knees To Elbow

    Weightlifting Club – Sunday

    A) Snatch 3-3-2-2-2-1-1-1-1
    B) Sntach Grip Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5
    C) Snatch Grip Push Press – Build to a heavy 3
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